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Information for printing in the Library

During library opening hours, you will be able to get some light tech support from work study students and library staff. 


Common Questions and Answers About Printing:


What printer do I use when printing from a computer? You want to use "Printcloud on papercut1" as the printer. If you do not see this option, you might have to select "See more." From there, a list of print options will appear and you can select "Printcloud" from the options.


The printer says "insufficient funds." What does that mean? Every SCO student starts with $5 in their printing account. Once these funds run out, you will have to add more money to your account. That link is and you should use your SCO email address and password.


How much does it cost to print? As of March 2021, black and white printing is $0.10 a page. Color printing is $0.25 a page. Printing on both sides of the page will count as two pages.


How do I print from my own laptop or Apple? The Library has instructions for this at the Circulation Desk. These instructions are updated as needed to accommodate updates.


How can I print in color?

***Just unchecking "Print in Grayscale (black and white)" will NOT ensure color printing.***  Please use the following steps to guarantee color printing!

1. Select "Print" for the page(s) you'd like to print.

2. When the print preview screen appears, select "Properties" icon.

3. Scroll to the bottom and click on "Select Color" icon.

4. Click on "Auto Color".

5. Click "OK". 

6. Click "Print" to print your page(s).


Common Questions and Answers About the Konica Printers Found Around the Tower and The Eye Center:


How do I register my badge? 

1. Place your ID badge on the badge reader until the screen changes.

2. Select "Yes" when it asks you if you want to associate this card with your user account.

3. Select the "Username" box, then enter your SCO username (without the ""); then press "OK".

4. Select the "Password" box, then enter your SCO password; then press "OK". (Hint: the "Shift" button is really a "Caps Lock" button!)

5. Select "Set" or "OK". When the screen that reads, "Your card has been associated with your user account, you may now swipe to login."

***Once you have registered your badge, all you have to do to print or copy is place your ID badge on the card reader of any printer that has one.***

***Sometimes, the Konica Printer does not want to read your badge right after you have registered your badge. If this happens, ask someone near-by to scan their badge. They can then log out and your badge will work.***


How do I scan to email?

1. Scan your badge.

2. Insert documents into the top feeder of the printer.

3. Select "Scan" to enter the scan menu.

4. Select "Scan to My Email" to have your scanned documents sent directly to your email. 

5. Select "Start" to start scanning your documents.

6. Select "Finish" when all of your documents have finished being scanned.

7. Select "Start" to geo to the last menu.

8. Select "Send" to send the document(s) to your email.


How do I print with my own paper? Like for SVOSH or Referral Letters.

At the computer: 

1. Select "File" and then "Print."

2. Select "Page Setup" (the hyperlink at the bottom of the tab options)

3. Under "Page Setup", select top second tab labeled "Paper".

4. Under "Paper Source", select "Bypass Tray" in both the "First Page" and "Other Pages" menus.

5. Click "OK".

6. Click "Print" on the print page.


At the Konica/KIC copier:

1. Pull down the "bypass tray" on the right side of the Konica Printer.

2. Place your paper in the bypass tray.

  • Face down
  • Bottom-end in (Logo/top of the paper should be placed away from the copier)

3. Scan your badge to print.


I need to print this in black and white, but I think I selected color printing. Can I change it? Yes. Select the documents you need to change, then select "Forced Greyscale" at the bottom of the screen.


Faxing From Your Email Is Often a Two-Step Process.

First, you might need to scan a document to your email:

1. Scan your badge.

2. Insert document(s) into the top feeder of printer.

3. Select “Scan” to enter the scan menu

4. Select “Scan to My Email” to have your scanned documents sent to directly to your email.

5. Select “Start” to start scanning your documents

6. Select “Finish” when all your documents have finished being scanned.

7. Select “Start” to go to the last menu.

8. Select “Send” to send the document(s) to your EMAIL.


After you have scanned a document, or if it is already on your computer:

1. Log into Library/LRC computer. 

  1. a. Personal computer: Check that your WiFi is on SCONET

2. Go to your Email Account.

3. Forward the email you scanned from the copier to: – DO NOT ADD any dashes/spaces.  For example:

         a. Add a 1 for long distance only.  For example:

4. Press SEND to send the fax from your email.


You cannot receive faxes using this method.

You will get a confirmation report sent to your email letting you know if the transmission was able to send or failed to send.

It is recommended that you call the recipient 10-15 minutes later to verify that the fax was received.